תמונה -Publications


Working papers

Asaf Eckstein: Regulatory Inertia and Interest Groups: Empirical Evidence from Securities Regulation, 2016

Asaf Eckstein: Directors liability for distribution of corporate dividends, July 2018

Moran Ofir: How Law Changes Networks: A Social Network Analysis of Board Interlocks, January 2019Asaf Eckstein: The push towards corporate guidelines, October 2020

Barak Yarkoni: Skewed Voting: How Shareholder Heterogeneity Distorts Corporate Voting, April 2021Barak Yarkoni, Beni Lauterbach and Yevgeny Mugerman: Alternative Venues for Going Private in Israel: Legal
Analysis and Empirical Evidence, May 2021 (in Hebrew)

Beni Lauterbach, Yevgeny Mugerman and Joshua Shemesh:Behavioral Aspects of Merger Decisions: The Effect of Investors’ Purchase Price and Reference
Prices , May 2022

Praveen Kumary, Nisan Langberg, Jacob Oded: Hero or Villain? Insider Selling through Stock Repurchase Programs, August 2024

Published papers

Beni Lauterbach and Menashe Shahmoon: How Does The Quality of Corporate Governance Affect the Market Value of Business Firms in Israel? Israel Economic Review, 2011

Ronen Barak and Beni Lauterbach: Estimating the Private Benefits of Control from Partial Control Transfers: Methodology and Evidence. Int. J. of Corporate Governance, 2011

Ronen Barak and Beni lauterbach: Firm-Specific Factors Affecting the Private Benefits of Control in Concentrated Ownership Economies. Advances in Finacial Economics, 2012

Alon Raviv and Elif Sisli-Ciamarra: Executive Compenstation, Risk Taking And the State of the Economy. J. of Financial Stability, 2012

Guy Kaplanski and Haim Levy: Executive Short-Term Incentive, Risk-Taking and Leverage- Neutral Incentive Scheme. Annals of Financial Economics, 2012

Menachem (Meni) Abudy, Beni Lauterbach, Oren Kapah and Eyal Yaniv: Changes in Controlling Shareholders' Holdings: Another Vehicle for Private Benefits Extraction? Israeli Quarterly Review of Economics, 2012

Yaron Amzaleg and Ronen Barak: Ownership Concentration and the Value Effect of Related Party Transaction. J. of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2013Beni Lauterbach and Anete Pajuste: The Media and Firm

Reputation Roles in Corporate Governance Improvements: Lessons from European Dual Class Share Unifications. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2013

Menachem (Meni) Abudy and Beni Lauterbach: Changes in Controlling Shareholders’ Holdings: Do They Entail Financial Tunneling? Advances in Financial Economics, 2015

 Beni Lauterbach and Anete Pajuste: The Media and Firm Reputation Roles in Corporate Governance Improvements: Lessons from European Dual Class Share Unifications. Corporate
Governance:An International Review, 2015

Raveen Kumar, Nisan Langberg and K. Sivaramakrishna: Voluntary Disclosure with Informed Trading in the IPO Market Journal of Accounting Research, 2016

Ronen Barak and Oren Kapah: Directors' Networks and Firm Valuation in a Concentrated Ownership Structure Economy. Journal of Network Theory In Finance, 2016

Amir Licht: Against Fairness: The Absent Place of Fairness in the Duty of Loyalty in Israeli Law, 2016

Asaf Eckstein: Skin In The Game: Aligning The Interests Of Credit Rating Agencies, Proxy Advisors, And Investors. Harvard Business Law Review, 2017

Amir Licht: Against Fairness: The Absent Place of Fairness in the Duty of Loyalty in Israeli Law. Mishpatim (the Hebrew University Law Review), 2018

Asaf Eckstein and Sharon Hannes, A LONG / Short Incentive Scheme for Proxy Advisory Firms, Wake Forest Law Review, 2018

Oren Perez, Reuven Cohen and Nir Schrieber: Governance through Global Networks and Corporate Signaling, Regulation & Governance, 2018

Keren Bar Hava, Roi Katz and Beni Lauterbach: Is it Worthwhile to Augment the Legal Protection of Public Debt Placed by Privately Held Companies? Journal of Law Finance and Accounting, 2019

Asaf Eckstein: The Virtue Of Common Ownership in an Era of Corporate Compliance, Iowa Law Review, 2019

Ester Chen, Ilanit Gavious and Nadav Steinberg:Dividends from unrealized earnings and default risk, Review of Accounting Studies, 2019

Nurit Nahum and  Abraham Carmeli: Leadership style in a board of directors: implications of involvement in the strategic  decision‑making process, Journal of Management and Governance, 2019Beni Lautebach and Jacob Oded: Stock buyback programs in Israel - a Review, Innovations in Management, 2019, (in Hebrew)

Beni Lauterbach and Yevgeny Mugerman: The Effect of Institutional Investors' Voice on the Terms and Outcome of Freeze-out Tender Offers, Quarterly Journal of Finance, 2020

Assaf Hamdani, Beni Lauterbach, and Yevgeny Mugerman: Reservation Prices in Shareholders’ Response to Freeze-out Tender Offers, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2020

Dov Solomon: The Importance Of Inferior Voting Rights in Dual-Class Firms, BYU Law Review, 2019Asaf Eckstein: The Board: Theory, Evidence and Policy, Mishpatim (the Hebrew University Law Review), 2019 (in Hebrew)

Asaf Eckstein and Gideon Parchomovsky: The Agent's Problem, Duke Law Journal, 2020

Allen Michel, Jacob Oded and Israel Shaked: Institutional investors and firm performance: Evidence from IPOs, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020

Menachem (Meni) Abudy, Dan Amiram, Oded Rozenbaum, Efrat Shust: Do executive compensation contracts maximize firm value? Indications from a quasi-natural experiment, Journal of Banking and Finance,2020

Jesse M. Fried, Ehud Kamar and Yishay Yafeh: The Effect of Minority Veto Rights on Controller Pay Tunneling, Journal of Financial Economics, 2020

Beni Lauterbah and Revital Yosef: CEO compensation in Israel: Fundamental question and scientific evidence, Theory and Practice in Management, 2021 (in Hebrew)

Jens Hilscher, Yoram Landskroner and Alon Raviv: Optimal Regulation, Executive Compensation and Risk Taking by Financial Institutions, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021

Eylon Blum, Sharon Hannes, Revital Yosef and Beni Lauterbach: The Value of Control Following Extensive Corporate Governance Reforms in Israel, Mishpatim, 2022 (in Hebrew)

Beni Lauterbach, Evgeny Lyandres, Yevgeny Mugerman and Barak Yarkoni: The Choice Between Various Freeze-out Procedure and its Consequences, Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting 2021

Beni Lauterbach and Revital Yoseph: Corporate Governance Progress and the Pay Premium of  Owner CEOs: Evidence from Israel, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2022

Asaf Eckstein: The Rise of Corporate Guidlines in the United States, 2005-2021: Theory and Evidence, Indiana Law Journal (forthcoming 2022)

Martijn Cremers, Beni Lauterbach and Anete Pajuste: The Life-Cycle of Dual Class Firms Valuationת Review of Corporate Finance Studies (forthcoming 2023)

Yaniv Grinstein, Beni Lauterbach and Revital Yosef: Benchmarking of Pay Components in CEO Compensation Design, Journal of Corporate Finance (forthcoming 2022)

Rimona Palas and Dov Solomon: The Quality of Earnings Information in Dual-Class Firms: Persistence and Predictability, Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 2022

Jens Hilscher, Alon Raviv and Zvi Wiener:Dynamic volatility regulation of financial institutions, Finance Research Letters, 2024

International blogs on papers

Beni Lauterbach and Anete Pajuste: Does Media Pressure Propel Corporate Governance Improvements: The Case of Dual Class Share Unifications, Oxford Business Law Blog, February 2017

Martijn Cremers, Beni Lauterbach and Anete Pajuste: The Life-Cycle of Dual Class Firms, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, May 2018

Keren Bar Hava, Roi Katz and Beni Lauterbach: Is it Worthwhile to Augment the Legal Protection of Public Debt Placed by Privately Held Companies? Oxford Business Law Blog, Jaunary 2019

Yaniv Grinstein, Beni Lauterbach, and Revital Yosef: Benchmarking of Pay Components in CEO Compensation Design, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governanceon, June 2021 

Beni Lauterbach, Evgeny Lyandres, Yevgeny Mugerman and Barak Yarkoni: The Choice Between Various Freeze-Out Procedures and Its Consequences, Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets, July 2021